Elementary science
Animals including Humans - Healthy Animals - Year 2
Hatch eggs and study the life cycle of chickens. Build understanding that exercise makes the heart work harder and that it is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Find out about healthy lunch box foods before designing and sharing your own snack.
Includes 6 session plans & resources
01 - Hatching eggs!
02 - Babies!
03- Stranded!
04 - Healthy hearts!
05 - Deep inside my lunch box!
06 - Pack a healthy picnic!
Hamilton’s science scheme provides children with a broad but comprehensive experience of primary science that systematically covers all of the National Curriculum for England objectives. Each year group is split into 6 blocks of 6 sessions, each of which can be completed within a half-term. We present them in a recommended teaching order, but you may adapt this to fit your requirements. Working scientifically, investigations and meaningful outcomes are fully incorporated in each block.
Endangered Animals
In this session children find out that it’s not only the Orangu-tans that are endangered. Children select animals or plants from the lists provided and start to find out more about their chosen animal or plant.
Endangered orang-utans (2)
Orang-utans are humans closest relative! Children find out more about the great ape and other great apes like chimps and gorillas, before using sketching and shading techniques to draw Orang-utans for display.
Endangered orang-utans (1)
Using the internet and fact sheets children find out more about the Orang-utans and why they have become endangered. What is being done to protect them and their habitats? What else can be done?
Rainforests: Looking into deforestation
In the next ten years at the current rate half of the world’s rainforests will disappear. Children look in brief at the causes of deforestation before creating on maps a horrific view of the future.
Effect of Global Warming
In this session children take a closer look at the causes of global warming and look at the long term effects. How can they do their part to reduce the greenhouse effect? They put it to the test in the Great Greenhouse Effect Quiz!
Endangered Animals 2
In this session children are shown how to use search engines to search for images, and be selective about those that they choose. Children then continue to collect key word notes about their animal or plant.
Natural Colours, Natural Dyes
The book Deep in a Rainforest shows that the rainforest really is as bright as a rainbow. Children get access to a variety of natural materials and prepare them to create natural dyes. They record the process and dye small pieces of fabric.
Plants with a Purpose
What have plants ever done for us? In this session children find out that plants are more useful than we might imagine.
After discussing all of the benefits and recording them, children start to consider how what plants give us can be used in more creative ways.
Global Warming and Its Causes
What is global warning? Children find out what global warming is and how humans have caused and are contributing to the problem. Children compare life now to life 100 years ago and highlight the changes which have increased CO2 levels.
Explore friction using toy cars
Work with a group to investigate friction and to see what happens to the distance a toy car travels when you change the surface at the bottom of a ramp. With support understand what makes a test fair and how to measure accurately.
Explore forces using toy cars
Understand that forces are pushes and pulls and make things speed up and slow down. Understand what makes a test fair and how to measure accurately. As a class and using toy vehicles investigate what happens if you change the height of a ramp.
Looking after Baby
What’s it like to look after a baby? Children have the opportunity to see a real baby and ask the mother questions about life with a baby! They then use drama to explore family life and the needs of a baby.
Journey of Life
How have we changed since we were babies? How will we change as we grow up? Children explore these questions by thinking about the different stages of life and recording their thoughts in zig-zag books.
Shopping Bags
Food was bought locally and regularly in small shops after WW2. Assistants picked and weighed food for you, there was very little packaging as paper bags or your shopping basket were used. Children write a letter to persuade shops not to use plastic bags.
Grow Your Own
Children compare a food journal they have kept with a food pyramid which gives the recommended servings of different food groups. The need to include fruit and vegetables is highlighted and children design a garden to grow their own.
This session we consider how we are using up fossil fuels. How did we heat our homes and cook in the past? Discuss renewable energy and any local schemes to try and use more renewable energy. Challenge children to make a solar oven and cook something with it!
Think Global, Grow Local
Discuss Farmers Markets and Pick Your Own food taking into consideration food miles, energy use, carbon footprint and produce. Calculate food miles involved in weekly shop (using labels and packaging from supermarkets). Children write an acrostic.
How Has Farming Changed?
After WW2 and rationing farmers had to increase production. Children discuss where food comes from, and their views on the use of heavy farm machinery and pesticides. Children make a model of a fruit/vegetable or create an ICT presentation showing seasonal availability.
Tumble Driers
Children find out how a tumble drier works, list the advantages and disadvantages of tumble driers and then have a debate about whether they are a good or bad thing!